General terms
Identity of the company
Name company BV
Business adress
Groenhof 42
2920 Kalmthout
Phone number
+32 473 89 88 33
E-mail adress
Company number
VAT identification number
BE 0663.794.853
Use of the website
These terms of use apply to the website By using this website, you accept and agree to abide by and accept these terms of use.
Intellectual property
The use of the information on this website is free if you do not copy, distribute or otherwise use or misuse this information. You may only reuse the information on this website according to the rules of mandatory law.
It is not permitted to reuse text, photo material or other materials on this website without the express written permission of The intellectual property rests with
Lawful use
You undertake, among other things, not to use the information in an unlawful, illegal way:
- You undertake not to use the website, because of which the website will be damaged, distorted, interrupted, discontinued or made less efficient.
- You undertake not to use the website for transmission or posting of computer viruses, for transmission or posting of illegal or unlawful material or material that is in any way inappropriate (including but not limited to material with a defamatory, obscene or threatening nature).
- You undertake not to use the website in such a way that the rights of a natural person, legal person or association are infringed, including, but not limited to, the rights of privacy and intellectual property.
- You undertake not to use the website for posting and transmission of material for promotional or advertising purposes without the prior permission of, unless requested by the recipient.
Correctness of the information
For the prices on our website, we strive for the most accurate representation of the reality and the intended prices. Errors that arise and are recognizable as programming or typing errors, never form a reason to claim or assume a contract or agreement with The prices stated in the offer of products or services include VAT, unless stated otherwise.
The offer contains a complete and accurate description of the products and / or services offered. The description is sufficiently detailed to allow a proper assessment of the offer. All images, specifications and data in the offer are indicative and cannot lead to compensation or dissolution of the agreement. strives for the most current website possible. If, despite these efforts, the information or content on this website is incomplete and / or incorrect, we cannot accept any liability for this.
The information and / or products on this website are offered without any form of warranty and / or claim to correctness. We reserve the right to change, remove or replace these materials without prior notice. accepts no liability for any information on websites to which we refer via hyperlinks.
If advice is given directly or indirectly through the website for taking medical, legal, financial or other personal or business decisions, such advice will be given without warranty of any kind and without being held liable. You should always consult an expert for additional information regarding the advice tailored to your situation.
Each offer contains such information that it is clear to the consumer what rights and obligations are attached to the acceptance of the offer. This concerns in particular:
- the price including taxes;
- any shipping costs;
- the way in which the agreement will be concluded and which actions are required for this;
- the method of payment, delivery and implementation of the agreement;
- the period for accepting the offer, or the period within which the entrepreneur guarantees the price;
- the level of the rate for distance communication if the costs of using the technique for distance communication are calculated on a basis other than the regular basic rate for the means of communication used;
- whether the contract is filed after conclusion, and if so, how it can be consulted by the consumer;
- the way in which the consumer, before concluding the contract, can check the data provided by him under the contract and repair it if desired;
- any other languages in which, in addition to Dutch, the contract can be concluded;
Right of withdrawal
When does the right of withdrawal apply?
When you buy goods or services via a webshop, a call center or a mail order company, this is a distance purchase and the right of withdrawal applies. With such a distance purchase, there is no physical contact between the buyer and seller when the purchase is made. The transaction then takes place via a remotely organized sales system, such as a webshop or an online form.
On delivery of products
- When purchasing products, the consumer has the option to dissolve the contract without giving any reason during 14 days. This reflection period commences on the day after receipt of the product by the consumer or a representative designated in advance by the consumer and announced to the entrepreneur.
- During the reflection period, the consumer will handle the product and packaging with care. He will only unpack or use the product to the extent necessary to assess whether he wishes to keep the product. If he makes use of his right of withdrawal, he will return the product with all accessories and - if reasonably possible - in the original condition and packaging to the entrepreneur, in accordance with the reasonable and clear instructions provided by the entrepreneur.
- If the consumer wishes to make use of his right of withdrawal, he is obliged to make this known to the entrepreneur within 14 days after receipt of the product. The consumer must make this known via the model form. After the consumer has made known that he wants to make use of his right of withdrawal, the customer must return the product within 14 days. The consumer must prove that the delivered goods have been returned on time, for example by means of a proof of shipment.
- If after the aforementioned periods the customer has not made known that he wishes to make use of his right of withdrawal, resp. the product has not been returned to the entrepreneur, the purchase is a fact.
When providing services
- When providing services, the consumer has the option to dissolve the contract without giving any reason for at least 14 days, starting on the day of entering the contract.
- To make use of his right of withdrawal, the consumer will focus on the reasonable and clear instructions provided by the entrepreneur with the offer and / or at the latest upon delivery.
Costs in case of withdrawal
- If the consumer makes use of his right of withdrawal, at most the costs of return will be for his account.
- If the consumer has paid an amount, the entrepreneur will refund this amount as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after cancellation. This is subject to the condition that the product has already been received back by the online retailer or conclusive proof of complete return can be submitted. Refund will be made via the same payment method used by the consumer unless the consumer explicitly gives permission for another payment method.
- If the product is damaged due to careless handling by the consumer, the consumer is liable for any diminished value of the product.
- The consumer cannot be held liable for a decrease in value of the product if the entrepreneur has not provided all legally required information about the right of withdrawal, this must be done before the conclusion of the purchase agreement.
Exclusion of right of withdrawal
- The entrepreneur can exclude the right of withdrawal of the consumer for products as described in the items below. The exclusion of the right of withdrawal only applies if the entrepreneur has clearly stated this in the offer, at least in time for the conclusion of the agreement.
- Exclusion of the right of withdrawal is only possible for products: which have been created by the entrepreneur in accordance with the consumer's specifications; which are clearly personal in nature; which by their nature cannot be returned; that can spoil or age quickly; the price of which is subject to fluctuations in the financial market over which the entrepreneur has no influence; for individual newspapers and magazines; for audio and video recordings and computer software of which the consumer has broken the seal; for hygienic products of which the consumer has broken the seal.
- Exclusion of the right of withdrawal is only possible for services: regarding accommodation, transport, catering or leisure activities to be performed on a certain date or during a certain period; whose delivery has begun with the express consent of the consumer before the reflection period has expired; about bets and lotteries.
If these general terms and conditions change, you will find the most recent version on this page.
Statistics may collect anonymous or aggregated data of a non-personal nature, such as browser type or IP address, the operating system you use or the domain name of the website from which you came to or leave the website.
Applicable law and competent court
Belgian law applies to this website, except for the Belgian referral rules from Belgian private international law. In case of disputes in connection with this website, only the courts of the judicial district of Antwerp have jurisdiction.
Privacy policy and use of cookies
We respect your privacy and the use, storage and processing of personal data. Using this website means you agree with our privacy policy. This website uses cookies. More information can be found in our privacy policy.